
Monday, 21 May 2012

Crazy fingers

Hi! Not much new to report other than I am handling the new chemo routine really well, touch wood! i get tired and seem to need 12 hours sleep a night but thats ok. Ive started to notice my hair thinning but that doesnt mean I will lose it all so Im not bothered. Am starting to work through my list of thing to do before Im 45. They range from takimg Mum with us to Pompeii, England and France and travelling the east coast in our caravan, to growing a bumper crop of zucchinis this year. And lots of other things in between. We are taking the kids to Queensland in a couple of weeks to visit some good friends, and of course pop in to movie world. The kids are so excited and so am I! It makes a nice break from the three weekly chemo routine. So in lieu of any having any further gripping news to report, here are the top things that bug me about neouropathy (nerve damage to fingers and toes cased by chemo): 1. Need to check my feet more often otherwise I dont notice my nails need trimming. Last time I wore sandals witbout socks people ran screaming from my presence. 2. I cant find anything at night - especially light switches, and Ive knocked over countless glasses of water. 3. Reaching into the popcorn box at the movies. Is there something in my hand or not? Try to eat it in case there is, look like a total idiot then spill popcorn everywhere. 4. Trying to grab anything passed from the back seat of the car...imposssible! 5. Typing - aaaargh! From 80 words/minute to 8 lines/hour. Incredibly frustrating. 6. Is there something in my jeans pocket? Keep going through the motion of reaching in and grabbing until my hand comes out empty. Nearly blew my nose on a five dollar note the other day! 7. And finally, nose picking is an unhygienic and potentially dangerous past time lol! (made that one up of course)

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