
Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Cautiously counting chooks...

We have just arrived home from a lovely dinner with three other couples. Each person at tonights table holds a special place in our hearts. The first couple introduced me to my husband, the others joined us overseas for part of our honeymoon. And tonight they proudly presented us with the proceeds of the quiz night they organised to help us out. With the help of their families and friends they ran a fantastic evening and even though our table didnt win (insert desperate sobs), a great night was had by all. So thankyou Ben, Anita, Andrea, Simon, Nicole, Nigel and everyone who helped on the night, and to everyone who attended or donated items for the auction. There are just too many people to thank! We are truly grateful.

This weekend I didnt have cancer, I had cheescake instead! Izzy had a sleepover so i decided to lose myself in naughty food. Dont tell my naturopath but it was gooooood! Now its back to the organic diet. I just really needed a treat! Theres only so much carrot and beetroot juice a girl can take. Only four more chemo treatments to go, i cant wait for it to be over. The side effects are increasing. Neuropathy is effecting my mouth, fingers and nose. The nausea and tiredness are taking longer to wear off and i had my first mouth ulcer. On a brighter note I havent had any more (touch wood) and the nose bleeds have stopped. In all I think Im handling it ok. Dr Big Onc seems 'cautiously positive' given my good result from the chemo so far, but reminded me not to count my proverbial chooks. I reminded him that Im aiming for a liver resection and that magic final note on my file that reads 'NED' - nil evidence of disease. He smiled. Cautiously of course.

Have a good one, wherever you are!

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