Not a lot to update, my cancer markers are still stable ( touch wood ) and Ive been so busy I really wonder how I ever went to work! It doesnt help that I sleep in. I have set four alarms and slept through every one of them so I officially give up on trying to get up before 10.30. This week I shocked myself and woke up at 2.30, just in time to pick the kids up from school!
Im starting to go to the gym for cancer patients in a couple of weeks, that should be interesting. At least they understand the limitations as my feet can be quite a nuisance. Sometimes they bleed but depending on where its coming from, I might not feel it. Ive been known to leave a blood trail around the house which really annoys me because we have white tiles and I hate mopping! I mean really, who puts down white tiles??! Must have been someone with an OCD mopping disorder!
After a major hiatus I am back on my anti cancer diet, which means no wheat, dairy, alcohol or sugar. Also known as the no fun diet! I did it for a full 12 months but when I lost 20 kilos after the last surgery I went off it . Of course I put back on 25kgs!!! Did you know garlic is a cancer fighting food? Tonight I had a raw salad with bean shoots, broccoli, zucchini, home grown organic tomato, a boiled egg for protein and a whole garlic clove in the dressing. Believe me, my hubby is VERY aware of the garlic - no kisses for me!! i have to get organised and plan my meals in advance. So im outing myself as being back on the diet so I have some sense of accountability and hopefully some extra discipline. Im having major sugar cravings, waah I want an iced coffee!! No one, and i mean no one, is allowed to drink iced coffee in front of me as I may crash tackle you to the ground and rob you. I was following a farmers union truck today and I thought damn you, you tempting truckload of sugary caffeine loaded goodness! Over and out my little bloggy friends lol